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Stahlwandpool Oval 150 Tief

Written By Andy Wirth on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | February 19, 2025


Stahlwandpool oval 150 tief

Für einen einmaligen Sommerurlaub in Ihrem Garten ist ein Pool eine gute Wahl. Allerdings muddle man bei der Erbringung ein bestimmtes Stahlbecken aufbereiten, das entweder durch ein Erdinnern oder einer Bodenplatte befestigt werden soll. Wenn man kick the bucket Voraussetzungen erfüllt cap, kann dieser Stahlbecken dann im Sommer zu einem entspannenden Urlaubsparadies in deinem Garten werden. Darüber hinaus ist der Pool sowohl im Winter als auch in Sommer zum Schwimmen geeignet. The Oval Pool von Steinbach is deshalb ein hervorragendes Modell für einen langfristigen Badespass.

Aufgrund unserer hochmodernen Fertigungsmethode bietet dieses Stahlbecken einen sehr hohes Lebensdauer. The welded development with electrifies steel and PVC is exceptionally vigorous, waterproof and consumption safe. The protecting layer between the inward and external shell forestalls heat misfortune and keeps the water temperature stable.

The Innenfolie is 0,6 mm or 0,8 mm thick and Stahlwandpool beim Experten kaufen comprises of an extraordinary PVC froth which is UV-balanced out, frostbestandig and meets the rigid European wellbeing guidelines (EN 14206). In blend with the tempered steel outline it is especially tough. The protecting layer is totally attached to the inward steel shell and is in this manner very strong against bowing and turning, even with a lot of water. This makes it exceptionally simple to clean and furthermore protected to stroll on when the pool isn't being used.

The imaginative plan of this German-made quality item makes a simple and fast get together conceivable. In this manner the fantasy of an own terrace heaven turns into a reality in only one day. The secluded development makes it conceivable to effectively alter the elements of your new pool whenever - without losing the elevated degree of wellbeing.

Our pool sets are planned and created in Germany by Future Pool DIREKT Stomach muscle WERK and conveyed straightforwardly to you. The set includes a base plate, skimmer and helper gear, as well as an essential handlauf. Alternatively, a Skimmerpaket and an Einlaufduse can be requested. The skimmer and helper gear are pre-cut in the Innenfolie and can hence be rapidly and effortlessly mounted.

Along these lines, the Stahlbecken can be unmistakably incorporated into your nursery and can give tomfoolery and unwinding to the entire family. The pool is likewise appropriate for swimming examples and different games exercises.

The Stahlbecken is accessible in the tones green, beige and dim dark. A wide assortment of extras is likewise accessible, like the skimmer hose, skimmer container and cleaning net. The pool can be utilized with a saltwater framework, as well similarly as with a substance chlorine framework, as required.


About Andy Wirth


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